We reviewed these top 4 Medicare Advantage Plans available in Harding County, New Mexico. Here's what we found:

Key Facts:

  1. The average premium is $61 per month.
  2. The average out-of-pocket limit is $6,700 per year.
  3. The average drug plan deductible (for plans that include Part D) is $84 per year.
  4. Medicare rated 100% of all plans available in Harding County 4 stars or higher.
  5. There are 2 plan types to choose from: MSA, PPO
Plan Name Type Premium MOOP Rx Deduct. Rating
Lasso Healthcare Growth (MSA) (2023)MSA *$-$-
Lasso Healthcare Growth Plus (MSA) (2023)MSA *$-$-
Presbyterian MediCare PPO Plan 1 (PPO) (2023)Local PPO *$6,700$-
Presbyterian MediCare PPO Plan 2 with Rx (PPO) (2023)Local PPO$6,700$335

Medicare Plans by County